
On Thursday 9 comments

You can't be cool if you're chilly!


Unknown said...

wtf is the reporter doing in the second picture?!? =))

james said...

what would you do in a fridge?:>

anuţ said...

mi-e foame.. fara nicio legatura.. asa informativ.. mi-e foame.

anuţ said...

ha! am descoperit cine-i underground bot..m-a obsedat zile intregi :))..si nu mai mi-e foame desi n-am mancat:-? dar e cald!

Unknown said...

i would start a food fight :D

Unknown said...

about your vote...i would actually vote for james >:)

irinuk said...

haaaa everybody votes for jimmyeeh :D

anuţ said...

:-? ce voturi? :))

anuţ said...

ba! ati ramas in urma! hai nu va puturositi >:P -uitasem :">